Elga P48M E7018 Unalloyed Drypac Electrodes
Product Overview
P 48M is a basic coated low hydrogen DC+ electrode designed for welding mild and higher strength steels.
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It is particularly suitable for heavily restrained sections and also steels with higher impurity levels
The electrode operates with a very smooth and stable arc and shows no tendency to ”freeze”, even on low current.
Root passes can be welded with DC-.
P 48M has very good fracture toughness at temperatures down to -50 °C.
AWS A5.1 E7018-1 H4R*
EN ISO 2560-A E 42 5 B 42 H5
EN 499 E 42 5 B 42 H5
Mechanical properties:
Tensile strength, Rm: 560 MPa
Elongation, A5: 28%
Impactenergy, CV: -40 °C · 80 J
-46 °C · 70 J
-50 °C · 60 J
Coating type: BasicWelding
Current: DC+/(-)