
Simple and cost-effective metal machining

Faster weld preparation, chamfering and rounding

Light and compact bevelling machines for metal

Protect your staff against HAVS with lack of vibration

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We are excited to announce that BevelTools has now arrived at Metal Fabrication Supplies.

BevelTools presents a comprehensive range of high-quality bevel tools that promise swifter, more cost-effective, and precision-focused solutions.

Conventional weld preparation and bevelling methods create physical strains, lack accuracy, and are time-consuming. BevelTools on the other hand promise faster weld preparation, less vibration, and long service life. The results are consistently perfect, with no need for finishing.

Discover the Bevel Mite® and Bevel Mate® machines and cutters, two streamlined and ergonomic concepts meticulously crafted by BevelTools. These concepts redefine the narrative, making weld preparation, bevelling, and rounding metal effortless, rapid, highly precise, and economically efficient.

The 3.0 cutters are among the best on the market, with an improved fit, a better mix of VHM, better grinding, and a high-quality coating. This has improved the lifespan of the cutters by 30-70% compared to previous versions. When combined with a 3.0 machine, lifespan improvements of up to 200% are to be expected.

More Benefits

✅ The fastest and easiest hand-held tool for milling metal

✅ Create a bevelled or rounded edge as little as one pass

✅ Suitable for large and small plates, sheets, pipes and holes

✅ Lightweight, compact, and handheld bevelling machines

✅ Various types of metal cutter heads for a bevelled edge or radius

✅ Solid carbide bevel heads with long service life

✅ Perfect results: consistent quality and no need for finishing

✅ Bevell without particulates and sparks for better working conditions

Bevel Mite® and Bevel Mate®

BevelTools BV has developed the unique Bevel Mite® and Bevel Mate® concepts to enhance the processes of bevelling and radius work for the Metalworking industry. The Bevel Tools and cutter head combinations make it easier, faster, more accurate, and cost-effective.

The Bevel Mate® concept has been designed for heavy-duty bevelling and radius work, bevelling at various angles up to a depth of 12 mm and radiuses up to 8mm. It is available in 2 models: the EBA 3.0 with a powerful electric motor and the extremely powerful pneumatic motor on the ABA 3.0.

For lighter bevelling work of various angles up to 6 mm depth and radiuses up to 4mm, then the Bevel Mite® concept is ideal. The Bevel Mite® concept is highly compact and manoeuvrable and is available in 3 super lightweight models; the electric EBI 3.0 and with two pneumatic motors, the ABIS-R  and ABIS-B.

The Bevel Mite® and Bevel Mate® concepts are also available as Inox tools. The Bevel Mate® EBA Inox with its heavy-duty electric motor has been designed for bevelling up to a depth of 8 mm and will radius at 6mm on stainless steel. The two lighter weight Bevel Mite® Inox tools comprise a powerful electric motor or the option of a pneumatic version the easy-to-use EBI-INOX. Both of these machines are designed to bevel up to 6mm and radius to 3mm.